The CAA will only hold personal data about you as a member sufficient to the running of the association and its activities. This will include your name, postal address, email address and any telephone numbers that you provide us with on the membership application form. You have the right to request to see what information we hold and to have it updated corrected or removed at any time. To do this please contact one of the club officers (Chaiman, Vice-Chairman or Treasurer) whose details are all available on the website using the following link along with the rest of the Management Committee. If in doubt please put your request in writing and address it to the Chairman, via the postal address which can be found here.
Storage of your data
We endeavour to store your data safely using a password-protected encrypted database with knowledge of the password and access to the database being limited to the club officers for the purpose of managing the data only. We will continue to hold your data for a maximum of 125 years or until you request that we remove you from our records whichever comes first. If you cease to be a member then we shall remove you from our database. Please note that we cannot remove any personal data from material that may already have been published prior to receipt of your request.
Sharing of your data
We do not share your data with third parties other than as is necessary for the operation of our email reminder and event notification mailing list which uses a third-party service to send the emails out. For this service, we only provide to that third-party service a name and email address being the minimum amount of information that enables the service to operate. This service allows you to unsubscribe from it without assistance from us, or we can on request remove you or update the information. The third-party service has a data policy that precludes them from sharing the data we provide with anyone else.
Publication and use of Photographs or Videos
The CAA may arrange for photographs or videos to be taken of association activities and may publish these from time to time via printed or electronic forms including social media. Your permission or that of a responsible parent or guardian will be obtained at the event if this is planned. However with the prevalence of digital cameras today it is not possible for the CAA to prevent other people from capturing and distributing such images.